If You're a Snow Newbie, READ THIS!
So you're planning on a trip to Tahoe, Aspen, etc. and you're excited to break out your skis and snowboards for the season. But did you know that you need either snow tires or snow chains when you're driving on icy roads? If you're like myself (inhabitant of sunny California), most likely, your car does not have snow tires or all-weather tires. So that means your tires are not designed to drive on snow or ice. Then, most likely, you're going to need to put on tire chains.
First things first, WHY do we need tire chains? For traction.
The grooves on your tires provide friction against asphalt, but when the roads are covered in snow and ice, then your tires won't be able to grip the asphalt. Even worse, when you’re driving, your car can start skidding on ice and lose control. Wrapping chains around tires will give your tires more grip in a slippery situation!
KEY POINT: If you’re planning on driving somewhere where there’s a chance of snow, like on a skiing trip with your family, friends, or loved one, buy tire chains because they might just save your life and everyone else in your car. Also, in some states, it’s illegal to drive in snow without tire chains.
What You Need
- A set of 2 tire chains that FIT your tires
- A set of 2 rubber adjusters
- Waterproof work gloves, because the tires are dirty and the snow is cold!
- A flashlight or headlamp, to help you see under your car
- An old mat to lie on top of the ground. Now would be a good time to change into something you don’t mind getting dirty!
- And a friend! A ideal setup would be someone putting on tire chains while another person drives the car. But don’t worry, even if you’re alone, you can totally still do this by yourself.
Buying Tire Chains that Fit
The fit is crucial! You don’t want your chains getting loose and tangled as you’re driving!
- Go to an auto parts shop, and tell them your car’s make and model. You can also give them your tire size by looking at the side of your tires for a combo of letters and numbers. Sometimes it’s hard to see this on your tires, so you can also find it at the bottom of the your driver’s seat opening. Based on this information, your auto parts shop will give you the right tire chain size.
- Also ask them for a rubber adjuster. These rubber bands tighten the tire chains to ensure a snug fit.
How to Put on Tire Chains
- To determine which tires to put your chains on, figure out if your car is front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, or all wheel drive. For most of you, you’ll put them on your front tires since most cars are front wheel drive.
- Make sure your car is parked, with the emergency brake on. Lay each chain flat in front of the tire. The bottom rung of the chain should sit right where the tire meets the ground, with the curvy tips facing up.
- Drive the car forward until there is about 10 inches left at the end of the chain. This is where having a friend drive the car helps, because you can tell them when to stop.
- Park your car again, with the emergency brake on. Starting with the back side, hook the bolt into the hole. Now do the same for the front side. Align the bolts, so if the back side is hooked onto the 3rd bolt, so should the front side.
- Hook on the rubber adjuster to the chains, with the metal hooks evenly spaced out. Now to be completely transparent, this part was tough. PRO TIP: Push your leg against the tire for extra leverage as you pull on the rubber band.
- Repeat again for the other tire.
- Drive in the snow and go have fun. Make sure you don’t go faster than 25-30 MPH!
- When there is no longer snow and ice on the road, remove the chains. It’s honestly gonna be a pain to put them back into the bag they came in, plus they get really dirty. So just put the chains in a garbage bag and head home so you can defrost, snuggle up to a fire, and sip hot cocoa to feed your soul.
So I did it!! I finally learned how to put on tire chains! And I made it safely to Mt. Shasta for a day of snow shoeing in several feet of the freshest, powderiest snow you’ve EVER seen. Two badass feats in one day? If that’s not the Womanly State of Mind, I don’t know what is.
Thanks for reading. #lifeskills baby!